The protection afforded to either partner, whether a person or entity, using a trust is not just good business practices, it’s vital to success over failure of the venture.
We use a Revocable Land Trust for real estate or real estate related documents and is used in all fifty states. There are many, many advantages and benefits in holding your property in a trust such as protection from attack, privacy, avoiding probate, keep purchase price secret, keep sales price secret, avoiding due-on-sale clause, avoiding litigation, keeping tax lower, etc.
Most people, especially attorneys, will claim that Land Trusts won’t protect your assets. And they are somewhat correct. However, when your personal or investment property is owned by your trust, the property is protected from you. To be clear… if you are legally attacked by creditors, by lawsuits, by judgments, or even the IRS for money damages, and the court awards the judgement against you, it cannot be attached to your personal or investment property.
Note: The exception: within one year, if you are facing creditors and try to hide your assets by using a trust, the court could overturn the trust for violation of the Fraudulent Claims Act.
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